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U-Step II Stabilizer Walker

U-Step II Stabilizer Walker

Regular price $999.99 USD
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If youwant to feel as stable as you would while holding onto another person's arm,the U-Step Walking Stabilizer is for you. The secret is in the patentedU-shaped base that braces you in every direction. The innovative braking systemis easy to use and puts you in complete control; roll only when you want to.Plus, it easily folds for transport. Weight capacity: 375 lbs. For users 5'1 to6'1 tall. Includes seat and basket. Additional accessories include a laserlight and replacement seat, each sold separately. 150148 - Laser Light forU-Step Walker 150156 - Replacement Seat for U-Step Walker

Why is it easier to maneuver with the U-Step?

Sevenwheels allow you to swivel and manage uneven surfaces with more stability thanstandard walkers can offer. The U-shaped base promotes better posture byreducing the tendency to lean forward when walking.

If the U-Step rolls so easily, might it roll awayfrom me?

Twofeatures prevent that from happening. The hand brakes are configured aspull-to-go, in contrast to typical hand brakes. Also, a set ofvariable-resistance pads regulate the two large wheels on the base, accordingto the needs of the particular patient.

Is the U-Step only intended for Parkinsons patients?

TheU-Step offers more stability for anyone who requires a walker. Those withconditions such as Parkinsons, MS, stroke, Ataxia or PSP often find that theU-Step is the only walker that provides maximum mobility for them.

Do I need the LaserLight option? How does it help?

TheLaserLight addresses a particular symptom: freezing gait, a condition oftenassociated with Parkinsons patients that inhibits leg movement due toneurological rather than muscular factors. The laser projects a bright line onthe floor; this visual cue provides a stimulus that overcomesneurological-based freezing in most cases.


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